The PATRIC (the Pathosystems Resource Integration Center) contains the best collection of well annotated genomes. They also happen to have been annotated by RAST, and so we should be able to use those integrations directly.
Here we'll walk through taking a genome from PATRIC, building a model, and running it. PATRIC also has model reconstruction built in, but when I tried it (05/24/16) it was not working.
As usual, we'll start by loading some modules that we'll need for our analysis.
In [1]:
import sys
import os
import copy
import PyFBA
You need to find your genome in PATRIC and download the annotations.
Once you have identified the genome you would like to build the model for, choose Feature Table from the menu bar:
Next, choose Download and save as a text file (.txt).
That will save a file called FeatureTable.txt to your Downloads location. That file has the following columns:
| Genome | Genome ID | Accession | PATRIC ID | RefSeq Locus Tag | Alt Locus Tag | Feature ID | | Annotation | Feature Type | Start | End | Length | Strand | FIGfam ID | | PATRIC genus-specific families (PLfams) | PATRIC cross-genus families (PGfams) | Protein ID | AA Length | Gene Symbol | Product |
The key columns are PATRIC ID (Column 3) and Product (Column 19) [Column numbers are 0 based!]
Now that we know that, we need to convert these feature names into functional roles. The key here is to split on adjoiners, such as ' / ', ' # ', and ' @ '.
In [46]:
assigned_functions = {}
with open(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'Downloads/FeatureTable.txt'), 'r') as f:
for l in f:
roles = set([i[0] for i in [list(j) for j in assigned_functions.values()]])
print("There are {} unique roles in this genome".format(len(roles)))
Next, we convert those roles to reactions. We start with a dict of roles and reactions, but we only need a list of unique reactions, so we convert the keys to a set.
In [47]:
roles_to_reactions = PyFBA.filters.roles_to_reactions(roles)
reactions_to_run = set()
for role in roles_to_reactions:
print("There are {}".format(len(reactions_to_run)) +
" unique reactions associated with this genome".format(len(reactions_to_run)))
In [51]:
print("There are {}".format(len(reactions_to_run)) +
" unique reactions associated with this genome".format(len(reactions_to_run)))
We read all the reactions, compounds, and enzymes in the ModelSEEDDatabase into three data structures. Each one is a dictionary with a string representation of the object as the key and the PyFBA object as the value.
We modify the reactions specifically for Gram negative models (there are also options for Gram positive models, Mycobacterial models, general microbial models, and plant models).
In [26]:
compounds, reactions, enzymes = \
In [52]:
tempset = set()
for r in reactions_to_run:
if r in reactions:
sys.stderr.write("Reaction ID {} is not in our reactions list. Skipped\n".format(r))
reactions_to_run = tempset
We can test whether this set of reactions grows on ArgonneLB media. The media is the same one we used above, and you can download the ArgonneLB.txt and text file and put it in the same directory as this iPython notebook to run it.
(Note: we don't need to convert the media components, because the media and compounds come from the same source.)
In [6]:
media = PyFBA.parse.read_media_file('ArgonneLB.txt')
print("Our media has {} components".format(len(media)))
The biomass equation is the part that says whether the model will grow! This is a metabolism.reaction.Reaction object.
In [7]:
biomass_equation = PyFBA.metabolism.biomass_equation('gramnegative')
In [53]:
status, value, growth = PyFBA.fba.run_fba(compounds, reactions, reactions_to_run,
media, biomass_equation)
print("Initial run has a biomass flux value of {} --> Growth: {}".format(value, growth))
Since the model does not grow on ArgonneLB we need to gap-fill it to ensure growth. There are several ways that we can gap-fill, and we will work through them until we get growth.
As you will see, we update the reactions_to_run list each time, and keep the media and everything else consistent. Then we just need to run the FBA like we have done above and see if we get growth.
We also keep a copy of the original reactions_to_run, and a list with all the reactions that we are adding, so once we are done we can go back and bisect the reactions that are added.
In [54]:
added_reactions = []
original_reactions_to_run = copy.copy(reactions_to_run)
In [49]:
reactions_to_run = copy.copy(original_reactions_to_run)
In [55]:
media_reactions = PyFBA.gapfill.suggest_from_media(compounds, reactions,
reactions_to_run, media)
added_reactions.append(("media", media_reactions))
In [56]:
status, value, growth = PyFBA.fba.run_fba(compounds, reactions, reactions_to_run,
media, biomass_equation)
print("Run has a biomass flux value of {} --> Growth: {}".format(value, growth))
In [57]:
essential_reactions = PyFBA.gapfill.suggest_essential_reactions()
added_reactions.append(("essential", essential_reactions))
In [58]:
status, value, growth = PyFBA.fba.run_fba(compounds, reactions, reactions_to_run,
media, biomass_equation)
print("Run has a biomass flux value of {} --> Growth: {}".format(value, growth))
The reactions connect us to subsystems (see Overbeek et al. 2014), and this test ensures that all the subsystems are complete. We add reactions required to complete the subsystem.
In [59]:
subsystem_reactions = \
added_reactions.append(("subsystems", subsystem_reactions))
In [60]:
status, value, growth = PyFBA.fba.run_fba(compounds, reactions, reactions_to_run,
media, biomass_equation)
print("Run has a biomass flux value of {} --> Growth: {}".format(value, growth))
In [42]:
print("Pre orphan has {} reactions".format(len(pre_orphan)))
In [21]:
added_reactions = copy.copy(pre_o_added)
Orphan compounds are those compounds which are only associated with one reaction. They are either produced, or trying to be consumed. We need to add reaction(s) that complete the network of those compounds.
You can change the maximum number of reactions that a compound is in to be considered an orphan (try increasing it to 2 or 3).
In [43]:
orphan_reactions = PyFBA.gapfill.suggest_by_compound(compounds, reactions,
added_reactions.append(("orphans", orphan_reactions))
print("Post orphan has {} reactions".format(len(reactions_to_run)))
In [44]:
status, value, growth = PyFBA.fba.run_fba(compounds, reactions, reactions_to_run,
media, biomass_equation)
print("Run has a biomass flux value of {} --> Growth: {}".format(value, growth))
In [45]:
reqd_additional = set()
# Begin loop through all gap-filled reactions
while added_reactions:
ori = copy.copy(original_reactions_to_run)
# Test next set of gap-filled reactions
# Each set is based on a method described above
how, new = added_reactions.pop()
sys.stderr.write("Testing reactions from {}\n".format(how))
# Get all the other gap-filled reactions we need to add
for tple in added_reactions:
# Use minimization function to determine the minimal
# set of gap-filled reactions from the current method
new_essential = PyFBA.gapfill.minimize_additional_reactions(ori, new, compounds,
reactions, media,
sys.stderr.write("Saved {} reactions from {}\n".format(len(new_essential), how))
for r in new_essential:
sys.stderr.write(r + "\n")
# Record the method used to determine
# how the reaction was gap-filled
for new_r in new_essential:
reactions[new_r].is_gapfilled = True
reactions[new_r].gapfill_method = how
# Combine old and new reactions
all_reactions = original_reactions_to_run.union(reqd_additional)
In [ ]:
status, value, growth = PyFBA.fba.run_fba(compounds, reactions, all_reactions,
media, biomass_equation)
print("The biomass reaction has a flux of {} --> Growth: {}".format(value, growth))